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Autonomous Steering Behaviors - C# Unity Scripts

Based on Craig Renolds Boids. Note the particle engine's intensity is a function of steering force and various nobs that can be tweaked on the sides in the video.  Watch the video in 1080p or try the simulation for yourself. 

Behavior breakdown:


Seek - follow target

Flee - run from target

Pursue - follow target, anticipating movement

Evade - run from target, anticipating movement

Wander - wander in a random direction

Obstacle Avoidance - turn slighty from obstacles at set range

Wall Avoidance - turn when hitting a wall

Arrive - follow target, slow down when close

Separation - keep a separation distance from similar entities

Hide - Hide behind selected object, away from target

Flocking - Ships keep together like a flock of animals
(flocking is Cohesion+Alignment+Separate).

particle engines engage when steering force is applied

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